2016年6月1日 星期三

抓緊神的話,抓住神應許的禱告 - (尼希米記1:4-11)

【尼希米1:4-11】【4】耶和華天上的神,大而可畏的神啊,愛你守你誡命的人守約施慈愛。Then I said: "Lord, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments,

【11】主啊,求你側耳聽你僕人的祈禱,和喜愛敬畏你名眾僕人的祈禱,使你僕人現今亨通,在王面前蒙恩。」我是作王酒政的。Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name. Give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man." I was cupbearer to the king.

今天活潑生命有個很棒的領受就是要抓緊神的話 & 抓住神的應許,且當我們以謙卑&憂傷之心來到守約施慈愛的主面前,與敬畏主的人同心禱告時,主就會賜下恢復的恩典!很強大的!讓透過禱告的人開始動工。 整理今天內容時,突然閃過海山禱告會林文華牧師也曾經分享過此尼希米的禱告成功秘訣,So同步整理分享給大家。願神同步祝福大家, God blessing with you & Amen.

 Reference: #1活潑的生命Page30-31
 Reference: #1活潑的生命Page32-33

Reference: #2 海山教會-禱告會-林文華牧師分享 (尼希米記1-11)

Reference: #2 海山教會-禱告會-林文華牧師分享 (尼希米記1-11)


#2, 海山教會禱告會-3/4/2016訊息, 林文華牧師分享

George Huang 烤蕃薯@Taipei 2016
