2016年5月23日 星期一

禱告的力量(爭戰房間 War Room)

禱告的力量(爭戰房間 War Room)好強大~ 好感動~好有穿透力 !

說明: 這是我們5/20海山禱告會時, 深深被片中最後的最後這一段禱告給震撼著, 花了點時間找到了這最清楚&聲音最乾淨的這小段禱告影片, 再花了點小小時間將 禱告詞 中/英文 一個字一個字撰寫下來, 分享給大家~  同步謝謝阿爸父 & 牧師讓我們經歷了這麼棒的 禱告力量體驗! Amen (ps:歡迎分享, 一起來一起來學習 阿爸父 賜給我們的強大禱告力量! Thanks God)
Video影片位置: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=083PlWhENPc

主啊 你又做到了
You've done it again, Lord.

You've done it again.

你是善良的, 你是萬能的, 你是仁慈的!
You are good and You are mighty and You are merciful!

在我不值得的時候, 你依然眷顧著我
And You keep taking care of me wnen I don't deserve it.

我讚美祢 耶穌!
Praise You, Jesus!

You are Lord.

再帶給我一個人吧, 主啊
Give me another one, Lord.

Guide me to who You want me to help.

Raise up more that will call upon YOur name!

喚醒更多愛你, 追隨祢, 信仰祢的人
Raise up those that love You and seek You and trust You!

喚醒他們吧, 主啊! 喚醒他們吧!
Raise them up, Lord! Raise them up!

主啊 我們需要一代 不已福音為恥的信徒!
Lord, we need a generation of believers who are not ashamed of the gospel.

我們需要一支信徒的軍隊, 主啊
We need an army of believers, Lord.

that hate to be lukewarm

and will stand on Your word above all else.

喚醒他們吧, 主啊! 喚醒他們吧!
Raise them up, Lord! Raise them up!

I pray for unity among those that love You.

我祈禱祢打開他們的雙眼, 讓他們看到你的真理, 主啊

我為祢的保護之手, 指引之手祈禱
I pray for Your hand of protection and guidance!

喚醒這一代人吧, 主啊 讓他們給世界帶來光明
Raise up a generation, Lord, that will take light into this world.

哪怕承受壓力 也不會屈服!
That will not compromise when under pressure!

他人退卻時, 他們永不畏縮 主啊
That will not cower, Lord, when others fall away!

喚醒他們吧, 主啊 他們會宣告
Raise them up, Lord, that they will proclaim

奉耶穌基督之名 得到拯救
that there is salvation in the name of Jesus Christ!

喚醒戰士們吧, 主啊 讓他們屈膝而戰
Raise up warriors, Lord, who will fight on their knees,

他們全心全意敬拜祢 主啊
who will worship You with their whole hearts, Lord.

主啊 喚我們去戰鬥吧
Lord, call us to battle,

我們會宣告祢是 萬王之王, 萬主之主!
that we may proclaim You King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

I pray these things with all my heart!

喚醒他們吧, 主啊! 喚醒他們吧!
Raise them up, Lord! Raise them up!

【歷代志下 7:14】這稱為我名下的子民,若是自卑、禱告,尋求我的面,轉離他們的惡行,我必從天上垂聽,赦免他們的罪,醫治他們的地。
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

強力推薦用耳機去細細感受一下這禱告的威力~ 好強大~ 好感動 ~好有穿透力, 對我個人來說好震撼的禱告! thanks God & Amen.


1. Video影片位置: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=083PlWhENPc

2. News新聞: 見證上帝執行「不可能的任務」福音電影「爭戰室」大大跌破影評人眼鏡

Thanks God & Amen From 海山烤蕃薯
